Albert, Jerome, and Crusader Monks: Exploring the Military Imagery of the Formula of Life

Robson, Jo, O.C.D.

Albert, Jerome, and Crusader Monks: Exploring the Military Imagery of the Formula of Life
- Roma : Pontificia Facoltà Teologica. Pontificio Istituto di Spiritualità "Teresianum" 2018 - ca. 250 p. per numero 24 cm

The extended use of the spiritual armour image is a distinctive feature of St Albert’s Formula of Life, and the inspiration and motives for this aspect of his text remain unclear. It has previously been proposed that better understanding of both the patristic sources for Albert’s biblical citations, and of the Carmelites’ historical and geographical origins, are key entry points for understanding the Formula. Taking up these suggestions, this study explores the role of St Jerome’s letter to Rusticus in proposing the military theme to Albert, and suggests that the context of crusader spirituality made the image a useful tool for addressing the particular needs of the new Carmelites via images and themes significant to them from their former way of life.


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